Pizza, Paint and Praise Night
Get your creativity on while enjoying pizza and praise music

There are many ways in which to enjoy a Pizza, Paint, and Praise Event. Get creative...You can give the children a theme or just allow them to create anything that they wish.
For our Pizza, Paint, and Praise event, I simply ran a piece of blue painter's tape vertically down the center of the canvas and another piece of tape horizontally to create a cross design on each canvas.
The children were allowed to paint anything that they wished in the four different sections.
Once they were finished with their creation, we used a blow dryer to dry their art.
We enjoyed pizza and drinks while allowing the art to dry even further.
When the paint was dry, we removed the tape to reveal their finished piece of art.
The art was sent home in their pizza box easels just in case we missed some of the wet paint.
To create the pizza box easel, simply fold the top lid in half (fold inwards), push the lid backward to the desired position and glue the flap down to the bottom of the box.
We used acrylic paint and a paper plate. Just squirt dollops of several different colors of paint on each paper plate. Also provide a paintbrush, a small cup of water, and a couple of paper towels (to dry or dab brushed on) for each child.
You can also plan your praise music in several different ways.
Simply have the music playing low all evening
Plan a praise time where everyone sings
Or, my favorite...Tell the children that you will be playing music all evening and encourage them to sing along if they know the song. There is nothing more beautiful than hearing children break out in song...all on their own. First, there is one or two little voices and then the room erupts into music. Make sure to play some current music that the children are already hearing on the radio, in their parent's cars, or at home. You will be surprised how many "current" songs they already know.