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The Light Shines In The Darkness

Writer's picture: arleneclarkarleneclark

For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6

These beautiful pictures were shared with me yesterday by my sister-in-law Kerry. They display the beauty and majesty of God.

If you ever feel that God isn't near, that God is not hearing you, that God is silent; go outside, take a walk, look, seek, and search for Him...He is much closer than you think. Although we cannot physically see God, there is proof of Him everywhere in His creation. You simply have to look!

"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart". Jeremiah 29:13

God is everywhere. And He reveals Himself in some of the most wonderful ways. At first glance; in the darkness, these crystals were invisible. They were hidden by darkness. However, when the light shone upon them; there was God, in all His magnificent splendor.

God didn't just magically appear, God was there all along. However, it was when the light overpowered the darkness that we were able to clearly see Him. We can't get so caught up in the darkness of our times that we fail to see the light...that we fail to see the proof of God right in front of our eyes. Darkness may mask and hide for a moment...but what darkness hides...light WILL reveal.

"And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it". John 1:5

The beauty of the crystals reveals God's splendor. Just seeing each precious, unique crystal is a message all on its own. However, I have found that the more you search for God, the more He will reveal. We may think we have found Him...but God is so much more.

Each layer that we peel back reveals another layer to dig deeper into.

Study the pictures...what else do you see? I see a chain-link fence? Meticulously woven together and I think of the unity of the body of Christ.

I see a corner posts/cornerstone? A guide placed in the corner...the largest, most solid post which is the basis for every measurement in the remaining construction. I think of Jesus...our cornerstone.

I see a single-crystal? I think of each of God's children... meticulously created individuals. Handcrafted and shaped by God. Each beautiful reflections of the light of Christ.

I see a rock? I think of our firm foundation...Jesus!

I see red/orange spots on the stone and water dripping from the melting crystals? I think of the blood shed by Jesus for each one of us.

Turn off the news, step away from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and your computer, and go for a walk outdoors.

What will you see? Where will your mind wander? What great adventures will you embark on? How will God reveal Himself to you today?

Have a beautiful, blessed Lord's Day.

"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart". Jeremiah 29:13

Praying for you always! +3

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