I am a "list maker!" I create lists for anything and everything.
I have a list for our annual Christmas gift program. I have a list for hosting our family Thanksgiving feast...I even have a list of household chores that I want to accomplish on any given day.
Lists keep me on track. They keep me balanced. They help insure me that everything is going as planned.
If you are a list maker...I am sure that you can relate!
Although I have many lists; with many different tasks, there is one task that makes its way onto each list. It's the sub-title...for lack of a better word.
Across the top of each list; just under the title, I print 8 simple little words. 8 words that make all the difference in the world. What are those words?
"Don't worry about anything. Instead, pray for everything."
When I pick up a list and I read these words...and I take the time to pray...things happen!
And it makes all the difference in the world!
This week, as I wind up the registration for our Christmas gift program, I have watched God at work in mighty ways. I have had 6 different vendors reach out to me with offers of product for our event. I have had more volunteers step forward to help. I have seen miracle after miracle...and we're still a week away.
Finishing strong after a year of injuries, physical therapy, and doubts on whether or not I would even be able to pull off the event this year!!
God has always blessed our program; in some mighty ways, but this year...He has just plain showed off.
Make your lists, stay on task, stick with it, cross off those "to do's" but always take it to God first..."Don't worry about anything, instead, pray for everything."
Praying that you have a wonderful week with your family and loved ones.
Praying for you always!