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Attitude of Gratitude

Since resigning as Children's Director a little over a year ago to begin this new ministry, I have slowly been sorting through 35 years of supplies, lessons, and tons and tons of papers.

The recent snowstorm gave me the perfect excuse to stay indoors and sort through a huge box of "Thank You" cards, letters of encouragement and special drawings that I have received over the years.

I have relived many special moments...and have been reminded of many sweet families and ministries that I have been a part of.

Each card is a special scanned and saved into my computer...preserved forever.

As I was sorting through the box, God revealed something to me.

It was something that has gradually slipped by with the passing of time...unnoticed until it was laid out in front of me.

As the years have passed by, the art of the handwritten, heartfelt "Thank you" so many things...has slowly become a thing of the past.

It reminds me of the 10 lepers who were healed by Jesus...All 10 of the lepers turned and ran away without saying "Thank You!" to Jesus.

Only one person returned!

How many times do we fail to say "thank you"? Are we passing on an attitude of gratitude to our children? Or one of entitlement? Are there those around us who need encouragement? Are there those who have gone out of their way to help us with something?

Take time each week to write one or two little handwritten notes. Show those around you how special they are to you! Your husband or wife, your kids, your teachers, your pastor, checkers, your child's teachers, your postman...etc. etc. etc.

A verbal "Thank You," an e-mail, a text, or even a gift card are all wonderful ways to show those around you that they are loved and appreciated. However, taking the time to write a heartfelt, handwritten "Thank You" speaks louder than anything!

A card is a form of encouragement. It will be read and re-read dozens of times. It will be an affirmation that the person is doing a good job...when they are having feelings of doubt. And, if they are like me...the card will become a treasured memory!

Who can you thank today!

Have a blessed day...

I am praying for you always!

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