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Sin Separates

I woke up early this morning with a Tuesday Tip in mind but then I fell back to sleep and I had an amazing dream.

In my dream, I was following a lady who was riding a motorized scooter. Suddenly, she drove off the sidewalk and tipped her scooter over. I went to help her and she told me that her head was hurting and that she had a brain tumor...and not much time to live.

I asked her if she knew the Lord and then I led her to Christ.

The last thing that I remember her saying was "I CAN SEE HIM."

Normally, I do not recall many dreams. In fact, I often wonder if I dream like most people...but I'm sure I do...I just don't remember.

I recall important dreams such as the one where I was sitting and having a meal with my grandpa...who went to heaven long ago or when I am spending time with my dad...who has also gone to be with the Lord.

What seems to stick in my mind the most this morning are her last words "I can see Him."

I am sure that I have mentioned this before, but I think it is worth mentioning again.

2-3 times each year, I sit down with a whiteboard, marker and an eraser and I make the Plan of Salvation come to life.

I draw it out...for those who are VISUAL learners. I help them SEE the big picture.

I use very simple shapes...something that ANYONE could draw...and I wing it. I let God take control.

First, I draw a heart or a circle and I label it "Heaven", I simply tell the kids a little about heaven. I talk about the Father; God...who sits on the throne and rules. I talk about The Son; Jesus...who came to save each of us. And I talk about the Holy Spirit... who will come and live inside of us...helping us to make good choices...etc. Add as much or as little info to this as you want.

I then draw the earth...a circle...and I talk about how God created the earth and how it was perfect. Transition into sin, Adam and Eve, how sin spread, how we are all sinners. etc. etc. etc.

Then I draw a huge cloud between heaven and earth...I talk more about sin. I talk about the different things that people think they can use to get into heaven. Things like works, being good, going to church all the time, etc. Then I tell them that there are no shortcuts to Heaven. We cannot go under or around or through sin.

Then I tell them that because of God's great love for them, He created a way for us to go to heaven...and I draw a cross on earth.

I talk about Jesus's great sacrifice and love for us. I tell them that Jesus came to earth and paid the price for our sins.

We talk about forgiveness, etc and how Jesus will erase the sin that separates us from God. (Erase the sin cloud at this point) and I tell them that because of Jesus's great sacrifice...and because of their confession of sin and forgiveness...there is nothing left to keep them from Heaven when they die.

I tell them about Hell (add this if you feel your kids are ready). My kids actually asked me to draw it on the picture and asked me questions about Hell.

Help your kiddo's to "SEE" the Plan of Salvation through simple...hand-drawn...shapes!

Looking for a new ZOOM lesson? Grab your whiteboard and share the Plan of Salvation with your children.

If you do a Zoom lesson...tell me how it went

Want to see God today? Step outside...He is everywhere! Go for a short walk with Jesus today. Look and SEE!

I have prayed for each of you this morning! Have a super blessed day. Serve Him boldly!

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