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  EVENTS  (Page 3)

Black Out Sunday

blackout / Total Eclipse  sunday

Black Out Sunday

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The Sunday following any major holiday is always a noisy and active day...and when the event lands on a Saturday, you know that the following day is going to be wild!


However, you can change this but simply changing the lighting, the seating arrangement, and all the "things as usual" routine.


Turn on several battery-operated candles (or battery-operated lanterns) and place them in the center of the circle (telling the children to remain where they are...not touching the candle).


Turn the lights off! Allow the children to lay down on their stomachs if they wish...but facing you.


Don't be a stickler...if they are not looking at you but they are listening and they are not disturbing others...let it go. The object is to get through the day and to plant whatever seeds you are able to plant for the day.


Now it's up to you!


I normally do not PLAN a lesson for this day. I simply allow the Lord to lead the entire morning. I like to have several topics in my head to get things rolling and to keep the children on track. But basically, I engage the children in conversation. With the lights low, they feel more comfortable speaking and you will receive some wonderful responses.


Don't rush the day...let them talk. If you don't get through each's ok. If that is what is on their hearts then just run with it. Ask thought-provoking questions and allow the children to speak.


Remember, it's their time to speak...don't dominate the morning...simply guide the conversation and go with it. Expand on their conversations and see where God will lead!


Following are a few ideas that you may want to add...but remember, keep everything simple and calm for the most part.


Use the template below to add any details that you would like to add to your event...wear all black, wear all white, free glow sticks, free pack of starburst, etc.


Finish your day off by giving the children glow sticks and singing a song (about light)...with the lights still off. Here is a really fun song that is super simple and easy to follow. Kids can sing and wave their glow sticks in the darkness.


A little tip...if you have...or can purchase... a light projector to project stars on the ceiling, it will add to the atmosphere. Use only stationary stars...nothing that involves motions or flashing stars as that will only lead to the movement of the children. You can normally order them from Wal-Mart for around $10.00.


Add whatever you would like...but remember to keep the day simple!





Looking for a no-fuzz Total Eclipse Sunday idea?

I normally reserve this event for a Sunday morning following a major holiday...where the children have been exposed to a lot of activities, sugar, and not much sleep.

You know what I am talking about...the day after Christmas, the day after Thanksgiving, the day after Spring Break...pick one...they are ALL wild!

To combat this, I simply change the lighting, the seating arrangement, and the "things as usual" routine.

I have the children sit on the floor in a very large circle. They can lay down or sit long as they are facing me.

I place several battery-operated candles (or battery-operated lanterns) in the center of the circle (telling the children to remain where they are...not touching the candle).

And then...I turn all the lights off! (A total eclipse). Of course, you will want to flip on one of the candles almost instantly so that the children are not scared.) Or...if you have an extra $10 lying around, invest in a light projector to project stars on the ceiling. Turn it on prior to the lights going out...they will probaby won't even notice it until the lights go out.

Star projectors can normally be ordered from Wal-Mart for around $10.00.

Don't be a stickler...if the children are not looking at you but they are listening, looking at the stars and not disturbing's a win!

The object is to enjoy the day and plant some seeds.

A perfect lesson for an eclipse party would be "The day the sun stood still."

If you want to enjoy snacks, a moon pie, "star"burst or any of the other snacks that I mentioned yesterday will work great!

Following are a few ideas that you may want to add...but remember, keep everything simple and calm for the most part.

Now it's up to you! Ask the children to wear all black, wear all white, enjoy snacks, etc.

Finish your day off by giving the children glow sticks and singing a song (about light)...with the lights still off. Here is a really fun song that is super simple and easy to follow. Kids can sing and wave their glow sticks in the darkness.

Add whatever you would like...but remember to keep the day simple!



Wonders of Winter Wildlife

wonders of winter wildlife

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Looking for a fun winter event? Hosting a Parent's Night Out for Valentine's Day? Are kids being dropped off at the church for an evening of fun? Why not host a Wonders of Winter Wildlife event. Create bird feeders...or gather some of your crafty men together to help the children build/paint birdhouses. If you live in an area where Park Rangers are available, consider contacting them about teaching the children about winter wildlife. My kiddo's ALWAYS love our nature hike and wildlife days!

Easter Outdoor Scavenge Hunt

scavenger hunt

Looking for an easy Palm Sunday event for your Children's Church or Sunday School classes? Try an Easter Nature Walk and Scavenger Hunt. Send the children out with a list of items to find. When they are finished, take one item at a time and read the appropriate scripture (Easter Lesson). Have the children share what they found and what it represents...allow them plenty of time to will get some pretty amazing responses.

When we did this event, it was a super cold day. I sent the children out to find one item at a time. When they brought their items in, we reviewed them and then sent them out in search of the next item. This gave them time to warm up between each item and allowed for some AMAZING responses from the children.

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Back to School Blast

Back to School 
Ice Cream Blast

Send them off to school with an Ice Cream BLAST! Complete with a FREE COLOR CHANGING SPOON! 

Serve Sundae's, Banana Splits or any ice cream treat that you choose!

Spoons can be found by searching on the internet...Color Changing Spoons!

Spoons will change color when they get cold.

You can also order color changing bowls, straws, etc if you choose!

Here's the Scoop - Ice Cream

Here's the scoop

School is Cool - Ice Cream Blast.jpg

Send them back to school with an Ice Cream Blast. Create a giant sundae, make ice cream in a bag or churn your own ice cream. The sky's the limit.

10', 20', 30' Sundae

Ice Cream in a bag

National Ice Cream Day

national ice cream day - family event

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Watermelon Day

national watermelon day

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August ? (Event is normally the first week of August) is National Watermelon Day. Celebrate by hosting a Family Fun Day for the entire church or a children's event with a seed spitting contest, pass the watermelon, watermelon eating competition, and much more! 

Stuff the Bus
Stuff The Bus - School Supply Drive - Blue.jpg

The new school year will be here before you know it and there will be LOTS of children in need of school supplies.

Host a "Stuff the Bus" school supply drive in your community and help families...or teachers obtain supplies that are needed.

A church bus will work great however a school bus will attract even more attention.

Contact your local school bus lot, they are often receptive to supplying a school bus for this type of an event.

Think Outside the Box

think outside the box

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Tinker Tuesday


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Tinker Tuesday (or Workshop Wednesday) can be done in several ways. Children may pickup a bag of misc. craft items (any theme that you choose...or no theme at all) on Sunday and create their own"one of a kind" piece of art at home (on Tuesday). Or, you can host an event each Tuesday...or as often as you like throughout the Summer, Spring Break, Winter Break, etc) and create the projects at church.

If Tinker Tuesday doesn't work for you? Try Workshop Wednesday instead. By switching up the theme or art medium, you can host this event as often as you like...use your imagination!! FYI...bags do not have to contain the same items...switch them up!

This event is a GREAT way to clean out your craft closet or use up odds and ends items that have been hanging around for way too long!

Homemade trophy's or hand made certificates are great prizes to hand out...or even the title of "Tinker Tuesday Champion" will work!

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Tuesday's don't work for you? Try a Worshop Wednesday instead! 

Lemonade Day

national lemonade day

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Move Up Sunday

move up /promotion day

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