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Scream and Shout School is Out
8 Weeks of Wild, Wet and Wacky Summer Fun
8 Weeks of Wild, Wet and Wacky Fun!
Scream andShout Intro
Get ready for 8 weeks of wild, wacky, wet, and wonderful Summer Fun.
During these 8 weeks, you will enjoy
Welcome to Summer - Messy Fun Night (Shave Cream Wars)
Super Messy Paint Wars
Super-Duper Giant Bubble Night
Giant Paint Slip and Slide (Paint Optional)
Kool-Aid Battles
The Great Water Shoot Out
Water Olympics
The Great Mestival Event
On this page...I will share some of my best tips and tricks for hosting a Scream and Shout School is Out event.
For the past several summers; while our AWANA program takes a break, I have hosted fun Wednesday night activities for our children.
Why? Because it's summer...because they're kids...because it increases attendance...because it is an outreach to the community...because kids need a break too...because it teaches children to play together...because it teaches children to follow rules...because it helps children make new friends...because it is a time of fellowship with other church kiddo's.
You pick....there are TONS of reasons!
Does the learning stop? No!
It's just done in a different way.
This will be one of the best summers you have ever had
"IF" you remember a couple of things.
Let the children be your guide! If the children are having fun... don't even THINK about switching to another activity!
"If" the children start getting bored with an activity...that's the time to toss in a little competition...and then go right back to the originally planned activity. A short break will usually be all it takes before the children are recharged and ready to go again.
Not all "extra" activities that you plan will be used...and that's ok. In fact, if you don't use them, it means that the kids were having a GREAT time!
Plan a few "emergency" activities but don't plan on using them unless you have to. Normally dividing into teams, dividing into boys vs girls, dividing into girls vs girls and boys vs boys is all it takes to keep the activities going.
Have several items that you bring with you each week. Items that would make good "gap" fillers if needed. For instance, I have several pool noodles that I have cut in half and stuck into 5-gallon buckets. I grab the buckets and take the noodles with me each week. If the kids get bored with an activity, I just pull out the pool noodles and let them have a pool noodle battle (boys vs boys and girls vs girls normally). After a little pool noodle battle, we go back to the scheduled activity.
Most of the activities that I have planned (there are exceptions such as the Water Olympics) are just good old-fashioned free for all fun events. There are rules of course...which you will review before each activity begin. Aside from that...let them go! Let them be kids!
- You do not need to plan 10 different games to be played in a one-hour...or two-hour time slot. This will stress you out AND the whole idea of structured chaos is thrown right out of the door.
Plan an event but let the kids lead the way.
Many times, we plan an event and we have every single second accounted for...STOP! Let the kids lead the way.
Plan...Yes! Prepare...Yes! Lead...No!
This Summer...let the kids lead you.
This will be one of the most memorable summers you have ever had...and what the children anticipate each year!
I have done these events (with the exception of the last two) for YEARS! I have tons of tips and tricks that will make this summer much easier than you could ever imagine!
Thinking about hosting a Mid-Week Adventures event this Summer?
Down on the Farm, Slime Zone Summer, Splish Splash Summer Blast, Scream and Shout School is Out, Rootin Tootin Roundup...or any of the other great Summer themes?
Check out my Mid-Week Adventures page for TONS of tips, tricks, time, and money-saving ideas before you get started.
Simply click HERE to get started
So, let's jump right in!
First of all, these events ARE messy!
Parent Info
When you promote these events, make sure that parents know their children will be getting messy...but will be rinsed off before going home!
Encourage parents to:
Send their kids in old clothing (and shoes) that WILL get stained. I normally ask them to select one set of old clothing and send the children in that same set of clothing each week.
Bring a towel for their child each week
Cover their car seat with a trash bag or an old towel...just in case.
Swimming Pool/Water Tank/Water Hose
Before the children go home, it is a good idea to rinse them off with a water hose or have them jump into a kiddy pool or a water tank to rinse off.
This will not be needed for all of the activities but is a "must" with all events involving paint!
Tips and Ideas
Many of the items that you purchase will be used over and over again this summer...or year after year.
Many of the activities listed have very minimal cost and once you have purchased a few (inexpensive) essential items that you can re-use each year, you are all set!
These items will be used many. many times in your children's ministry.
Essential items to locate or purchase!
5-Gallon Buckets
In my opinion, you can never have too many 5-gallon buckets!
5-gallon buckets can be purchased for around $3.00 each. If your budget is tight, you may want to check with local sandwich shops to see if they will give you some...or sell you come at a minimal cost.
Sandwich shops purchase 5-gallon buckets filled with pickles and often sell or give away the buckets!
I use the buckets for the games as well as storing things in...such as the water shooters, goggles, glasses, etc.
Just grab the bucket and you're ready to go!
After an event, line up several of the for goggles, one for water shooters, one for trash, etc.
Kids will drop their items into the buckets and you're ready to go!
A Good Garden Hose
You will definitely need a good garden of the lightweight, expandable ones.
Not a cheap one...a good one!
If you can't afford a good one...just make sure it is lightweight and expandable. You may have to replace it annually.
I purchased my own hose ($60) that I use on my flowers at home so I just take it back and forth.
The reason for a lightweight; the expandable hose is that you can gather it up, toss it into one of those amazing 5-gallon buckets that I mentioned above and head out with it.
No rolling up hoses, no trying to get kinks out, no water running down your shirt, etc. They are so light that you can hand the bucket off to a 1st grader and they are able to carry it with no problem.
Water Shooters
You will need a minimum of one water shooter per child.
A water shooter costs approx $1.00 each...or you can purchase packages of them cheaper (sometimes).
You will LOVE these shooters! I use them for LOTS of things!
Tip: Buy them as soon as they come out in the Spring. They will disappear quickly and you may not be able to find them later in the Summer.
Purchase extras if possible. The water shooters are very durable but they do break from time to time.
I purchase them every year...even if I have enough.
You never know when they will break, when extra children will attend, or when you will come up with new ideas!
You will be using the shooters for the Kool-Aid Wars, Super Soaker Night, and the Paint Wars event.
Tip: On the Paint Wars event, Fill 2 or 3 of the amazing 5-gallon buckets with warm, soapy water and 2-3 of them with warm
water (no soap)
When finished with all the fun, have the children rinse out their shooters. They will load and discharge their shooters (3-4 times) using warm soapy water and then load and discharge them (once or twice) using fresh water.
This will save you a lot of cleaning later.
Always check to make sure they are clean before storing them away.
I always use one of the handy dandy 5-gallon buckets to store them in. Just put the water end down into the bucket.
Eye Protection
You will need eye protection for the children.
I have both the glasses and the swim goggles. I use glasses for our Nerf wars event so I make
them available to the kids as well.
If you can only afford one set of eye protection per child, it would be best to purchase swim goggles.
If you can't afford the goggles have the children bring their own.
FYI - You can purchase construction goggles or glasses at the $$$ store for $1.00 per pair. Both would work fine!
Tempera Paint
Purchase your tempera paint by the gallon. It is much, much, much cheaper to do it this way.
Hint: I have a Staples reward account where I recycle ink cartridges (printer). I earn rewards ($2.00 per cartridge) that I use towards purchasing paint.
I have a collection box where everyone drops off their used cartridges.
I purchase paint each time I earn enough rewards. So far, I have spent $0.00 to purchase paint.
Check out a Staples Rewards account at your local Staples. It is FREE to apply.
When you host the Kool-Aid event, you will need 3 envelopes of Kool-Aid per 5-gallon bucket of water.
You WILL NOT use Sugar in your Kool-Aid
This event is almost Free to host!
Bubble Pool
If you are going to do a bubble pool during the Super Duper Bubble night...purchase 3-4 gallons of bubbles now! Once they are gone...they are gone. In fact, if you are going to do a bubble pool during your Fallfest...purchase them during the summer. Bubbles are seasonal items.
Bubble Wands and Bubble Powder
I purchased my bubble wands and bubble powder from
I am sure there are other places to purchase them as well.
If You have a WISH list...put this on it!
May as well wish big!
Vehicle - Cart or Trailer - Optional
I know that most of you will not have an extra vehicle around the church...or an extra vehicle around your house. However, I have a little PT Cruiser that is my extra car. I use it when hauling plants or potting soil or sometimes groceries. In the summertime, my little PT becomes my summer activity vehicle.
I load many of the items that I will use over and over and over again during my Wednesday night events...and I leave them there!
No loading and unloading and reloading again!
On Wednesday evenings, I simply drive onto the playing area, open the back hatch and work straight from the back of my car.
The kid's goggles and eye protection, the water shooters (in a 5-gallon bucket), paper towels, my water hose (in a handy dandy 5-gallon bucket), extra trash bags, a container or two of cheese puffs, paper cups, etc. are kept in my car. This saves me TONS of work each week. I just take my checklist and make sure I have everything and I am off and ready.
The kids call it my party wagon!
If you can find an extra vehicle...find it!
If you can find a trailer that can be moved to the play area...find it!
Maybe the church has a vehicle that is not being used.
Maybe someone in your church has one that they will allow
you to use (on church property).
It doesn't matter what it looks like... it doesn't matter if it can barely make it from one side of the church to the other...use it!
If you can have all of your supplies in one will save you a TON of time and energy.
It is not a requirement...but something that will definitely make your life easier!
After each activity, have the children pick up any trash that was created during the activity (such as cans from the shave cream wars).
After each activity (when they are finished using them) have the children bring all items and put in a designated spot before you go on to the next activity.
I purchase different colors of 5-gallon buckets so that I can say "Bring your goggles and put in the red bucket" or "Bring your water shooters and put in the blue bucket.
At the end of the evening, you can easily hose down the items in the bucket, pour off the excess water and tote them inside using the buckets.
You will thank me for these tips later! :)
One Last Tip!
I know that everything belongs to the church...I get that!
But if you are entrusted with the Children's budget then you are responsible for how it is it is used...what happens to the supplies.
Not everyone...even within the walls of the church...get it!
That doesn't mean that you won't just means that they come to you to get it...they come to you to return it...they replace it if they break it!
Don't hate me!
Work to build up your supplies each year...and soon, your children's summer events will cost almost nothing. Then your budget can be spent on reaching even more children!
Scream and Shout - Messy Fun
Scream and Shout School is Out
Welcome to Summer
Messy Fun Night
Messy Fun Night
Get ready for a Wild and Crazy Evening!
Shave Cream Wars, Whipped Cream eating contest, Confetti, Silly String, Slime, and any other messy activity that you can imagine.
There is really no end to the fun you can have...and no set way to host a School is Out Scream and Shout - Welcome to Summer Party.
One thing is always a must...shave cream! And LOTS of it!
For a "Welcome to Summer" party, you will need a "whistle" to round up the crew between activities. After that, explain the rules, explain the activity, blow your whistle, and step back!
Just have plenty of messy games planned and your event will be a HUGE success!
#1 Discouragement - Don't think that you have to include ALL of your ideas, activities, etc in one event in order for the night to be considered a success. Plan your favorites first and go from there. If you don't get all of the activities in...then that means that the kids were having a GREAT time and that the event was successful.
As long as the kids are having fun and the fun never is a success.
If there is an activity that the children enjoy more than the others, go back to it a second time later in the evening. No set rules! No pressures! It's Summertime...and these are kids just wanting to be kids! Enjoy!
For more information or ideas, check out the Shave Cream Wars event.
Must Have
It's summertime...which means that it is time for one of the messiest events of the year.
Your kids will absolutely LOVE this event! I guarantee it!
Goggles are a "must-have" for a messy fun night. Most children do fine without them however, it is better to be safe than sorry! The Dollar store is a great place to find goggles. They are in the hardware department and cost $1.00 each.
Swim goggles are an excellent choice as well. You may ask kids to bring a pair of goggles but don't rely on them to do so. Watch after summer sales and stock up on swim goggles or masks.
Paper Towels
Grab a couple of rolls of paper towels. At the start of each event, give each child a couple of towels to tuck inside their waistband. This prevents children from coming to you to have their faces wipes 1000 times.
A whistle is a must for an event such as this. Children will be having so much fun that they will not hear you calling them.
Take TONS of pics and short video clips. If you have a zoom lens...that is even better.
Large trash cans with liners
Save yourself a lot of time and frustration by taking along 1-2 large trash cans with liners.
Before We Begin
Shaving Cream
Shaving cream will not damage the lawn. Once the event is over, the shaving cream will disappear overnight. You will not be able to tell there was even a party the evening before.
I normally pick up 2 cans per child...or I provide one and ask them to bring one. Shaving Cream goes a long way. I always make the children remove the cap and toss the cap in the trash before we begin. In order to get their second can of shaving cream, they must return their empty can and toss it in the trash. I normally remove the caps on the second cans before they run out of the first one.
Purchase several extra cans for additional games
At the end of each game, have the children bring their trash and put it in the trash can. Make sure you watch each child bring their cans and toss them. This will save you a TON of time plus cans will not be left for the mower to hit...OUCH!
Games do not continue until all trash (that you can see) is picked up!
I purchase the cheapest shaving cream that I can find. Walmart is normally the cheapest...once you consider the size. They carry regular and sensitive skin types (same brand...same price). I normally purchase the sensitive skin type...but not an absolute necessity. You will want to start purchasing the shaving cream a couple of weeks in advance because they normally do not carry a large number of cans.
Below are a few ideas that you may want to incorporate into your evening. Some thoughts will have
to be put into each game to make sure they fit the social distancing suggestions for your area.
Shave Cream Wars
2 Cans of shave Cream Per Child (See specifications above)
2 Paper towels per child
1 Pair of goggles, safety glasses, or swim mask
Have the children put on a pair of goggles and stick 2 paper towels in their waistbands (for wiping eyes, nose, ears, mouth, etc). Have extra towels on hand.
Explain your rules, boundaries, etc.
Explain that no one starts until the whistle blows.
Explain that they have to bring back their empty can and toss in the trash to receive their second can.
Have each child grab a can of shaving cream, remove the lid and toss it in the trash (lid)
Blow the whistle and let them go at it!
Shave Cream Hair Out
For social distancing, you may have each child style their own hair.
2-3 Cans of shaving cream (Depends on the number of children you have)
Form teams (2-man teams)
Teach team will decide which one will be the hairstylist and which one will have their hair styled.
The person who is having their hair styled will sit on the ground. The stylist will stand behind them.
Start on one end (or both ends) and pass a can of shaving cream down the line. Each stylist will squirt a TON of shaving cream on their teammate's heads.
When the whistle blows, they begin styling.
When the whistle blows again everyone stops. There is really no time limit...if they are having fun then let them continue. As they finish, keep them busy by taking several pics of each one. When several have finished, blow the whistle, take pics of the remaining ones, and switch places.
Now, the stylist becomes the one having their hair styled.
Shave Cream Shaving
(For social distancing, you may give each child a balloon that they hold and shave themselves)
2 Ballons Per Team (Blow up in advance and have in large trash bags...blow up extras)
1 Plastic Knife Per Team
Form teams (2-man teams)
Each team will decide which one will be the barber and which one is receiving the shave.
The person who is receiving the shave will sit on the ground. The barber will stand behind them.
Hand out one balloon to each barber.
The barber will place the balloon on their teammate's head. (It is best to do this right after the "Hair Out" contest while the kids still have a lot of shave cream in their hair to help hold the balloon in place.
The person being shaved will hold the balloon (with their hands) on top of their head while the barber squirts shave cream all over the balloon, smooths it out, and shaves the balloon clean. shave the balloon clean without popping it. If the balloon pops...they are out.
Start on one end (or both ends) and pass a can of shaving cream down the line. Each barber will squirt a pile of shaving cream on their balloon and smooth it out.
When the whistle blows...they begin to shave.
Take lots of pics!
Once everyone is done, switch spots and begin again.
Cheeseball Head
Bucket of Cheese Balls
Plastic Cups (1 per person)
Shave Cream 1-2 Cans
Rope (to mark a line)
Form teams (2-4 man teams)
Teams will select 1 person to sit on the ground with a blob of shaving cream on top of their head.
The rest of the team will receive a cup of cheese balls (each)
Teams will stand behind the rope line and toss the cheese balls at their teammate's head...trying to stick the cheese ball in the shaving cream.
Whipped Cream Eating Contest
2-3 Cans of Whipped Cream (Spray cans)
1 Paper Plates per child
Make a semi-circle with the kids.
Give each child a paper plate and have them set the plate in front of them
Have each child lay on the grass...on their stomach.
Start on both ends and squirt some whipped cream on each plate (you may want to squirt a smaller amount on the younger kids' plates.
Have each child put their hands behind their backs
When the whistle blows, the kids must lick their plates clean.
Small prize for the first one done. Consider a prize for 1st-3rd and 5th-6th or however your group is organized.
Paper plates are picked up and tossed in the trash before games resume
Musical Cream Pie Face
Whipped Cream - 3 Tubs
Foil Pie Pans - 3
Music (Cell phone with music will work fine)
Children will form a circle and pass a pie pan filled with whipped cream around the circle while the music plays…once the music stops…the child stuck with the pan of whipped cream will shove the pan in their own face...or in the face of the person to their left or right. (Make up your own rules)
You may also form several small circles if you choose.
Pie pans in the trash before games resume.
Silly String Wars (Optional)
1-2 Cans of Silly String Per Person (You can also provide one and ask the children to bring one...but don't count on them bringing it...they often will not)
Give your list of rules
Have children select a can of silly string and remove the cap.
Have them throw the cap in the trash
Instruct them to bring back their empty can to receive a second can.
Blow the whistle when it is time for the activity to begin
Blow whistle when it is time to end the activity and bring their empty cans to the trash.
Play does not continue until all trash is picked up
Face Painting…No hands
Tempera Paint - Several paper plates with a small amount of paint...2-3 colors each)
Paper Plates- 1 Per 2 man team
Art Brushes - 1 Per Person
Have children select a partner up (2 man teams)
Give each person a small art brush (cheap brushes)
Give each team a paper plate with tempera paint on it.
Object...To paint your partner’s face without using your hands…use your mouth to hold the paintbrush and paint their face.
Have Paper towels handy to wipe your eyes. (Trade-off when done…using a clean paintbrush)
*** Pudding Face –You will need the following: a blindfold, a bowl of chocolate pudding, and plastic spoons.
Select partners. Have one person sit in a chair with their partner standing behind them. The standing partner will wear the blindfold. When you say, "Go!" the blindfolded students must feed the pudding to their partners from behind. The first ones to drain the bowl wins.
​Add your own activities...I normally use anything that I have left over in my storage closet such as confetti cannons, confetti eggs, etc. I also add events that will go with my theme for the summer...such as go with our Slime Zone summer, etc.
Like all summer outdoor activities...simple is better.
If you have a snow cone machine, consider serving snow cones with all the flavors mixed together (like the paint).
If you do not have a snow cone machine then consider purchasing simple ice pops or multi-colored popsicles.
If you have extra cheese balls handy...give them a cut of cheese balls.
Keep your summer as easy as have lots of BIG summer activities coming up!
Be Prepared
Not all children are the same.
Keep in mind that not all children are the same. You may have some children show up who do not want to get wet or dirty. Grab a small "emergency" tote with a lid that you take to all of your summer events. Add a couple of coloring books, crayons, bubbles, a jump rope or two, sidewalk chalk, etc. to your tote. Place it in an area where the kids cannot see it. Bring it out only if needed.
All children are different...all churches are different...Plan for the best event ever but prepare for the worst.
Have a few extra games in mind just in case you finish early or the kids get tired of doing what you have planned. You do not have to drag out more stuff...just plan some extra activities using the items that you brought or some "no supplies" needed for group games.
Do not try to cram everything that you have planned into one evening. Let the kids be your guide. Are they having fun? Leave them alone. Are they bored? Toss in an extra game or two and then resume your planned activities. Occasionally the kids will start a game of their own...if they are having fun...let them play! No evening is a failure if the children are having fun!
Messy Ideas
Scream and Shout - Paint Wars