Splish Splash Summer Blast
Splish Splash Summer Blast is 11 Weeks of Summer fun!
Over the summer, we take a break from our normally (AWANA) scheduled events and concentrate on outreach!
Each event is planned with KIDS in mind.
Our summer events allow kids to do one thing....be kids!
Each year, I select a theme and all events are based around that theme.
Some of our events are wet, some are messy and some are even muddy!
This summer I used the theme WATER and all of our events...in one way or another include water!
"Splish Splash Summer Blast"
1.Welcome to Summer - Shave Cream Wars
2. Paint Wars
3. Fishing with the Pastor
4. Giant Slip and Slide
5. Water Olympics
6. Super Duper Bubble Night
7. Fire Hydrant (Fire Department) night
8. Beach Bash
9. Splish Splash Day
10. Super Soaker Night
11. Back to School Ice Cream Blast
Thinking about hosting a Mid-Week Adventures event this Summer?
Down on the Farm, Slime Zone Summer, Splish Splash Summer Blast, Scream and Shout School is Out, Rootin Tootin Roundup...or any of the other great Summer themes?
Check out my Mid-Week Adventures page for TONS of tips, tricks, time and money-saving ideas before you get started.
Simply click HERE to get started.

Beach Bash
Plan Your Own Beach Party. Include kiddy pools filled with sand for sand castle competitions, beach clothing, sun screen, volley ball, snow cones, games...the sky's the limit. Come join the fun

Fire Hydrant Splash
Fire Hydrat Splash...If you have a fire hydrant, contact your fire department and ask them to open the hydrant. If not, simply do a water sprinkler event.

Splish Splash Day
It's Water Park / City Pool / Private Pool Day!
Grab your towels and head on out to make a SPLASH!