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Slime Zone Summer

We all make a mess of things from time to time...even men and women from the Bible.
Take your kids on a journey through the Bible to learn about some of these "Messy" characters and end the summer with a lesson on "Cleaning Up the Mess - Salvation (Washing Away the Slime - Bubble Night)
Our Wednesday nights are normally "fun fellowship and outreach events"
The children are allowed to bring their friends.
I usually do a short "Who Is It" game with the children before we begin.
During the game, the children receive several clues/facts about the person that we will be learning about on Sunday morning. Children will receive the clues but they are to keep their answers to themselves.
I also send home the list of clues at the end of the evening.
The children return on Sunday with their guesses written on the "clues" paper that they received on Wednesday night.
If they are correct, they will receive a small prize (normally something that goes along with our theme... a $1.00 jar of flarp, a $1.00 whoopie cushion, etc. )
When they return on Sunday, we hear "The Rest of the Story" Paul Harvey would say.
Lessons for this event are super easy...just select some of your favorite "Messy Characters"...Adam and Eve, Satan, Moses, Jonah, David, Saul/Paul, Joseph's Brothers, etc. There are many to choose from!
Slime Zone Intro
Get ready for 11 weeks of Oooey-Gooey, Messy fun!
This summer, it's all about "THE MESS"
Your kids are going to love you!
Note: We did the egg and food fight events when expired food and eggs were plentiful. I added the science night to take the place of one.
On this page...I will share some of my best tips and tricks for hosting a Slime Zone Summer event.
For the past several summers; while our AWANA program takes a break, I have hosted fun Wednesday night activities for our children.
Why? Because it's summer...because they're kids...because it increases attendance...because it is an outreach to the community...because kids need a break too...because it teaches children to play together...because it teaches children to follow rules...because it helps children make new friends...because it is a time of fellowship with other church kiddo's.
You pick....there are TONS of reasons!
Does the learning stop? No!
It's just done in a different way.
This will be one of the best summers you have ever had
"IF" you remember a couple of things.
Let the children be your guide. If the children are having fun... don't even THINK about switching to another activity!
"If" they start getting bored with an activity; that's the time to toss in a little competition, and then go right back to the originally planned activity. A short break will usually be all it takes before the children are recharged and ready to go again.
Not all "extra" activities that you plan will be used...and that's ok. In fact, if you don't use them, it means that the kids are having a GREAT time!
Plan a few "emergency" activities but don't plan on using them unless you have to. Normally dividing into teams; boys vs girls, girls vs girls, or boys vs boys is all it takes to keep the activities going.
Have several items that you bring with you each week. Items that would make good "gap" fillers if needed. For instance, I have several pool noodles that I cut in half and stuck into 5-gallon buckets. I grab up the buckets and take the noodles with me each week. If the kids get bored with an activity, I just pull out the pool noodles and let them have a pool noodle battle. After a little pool noodle battle, we go back to the scheduled activity.
Most of the activities that I have planned (there are exceptions such as the Water Olympics) are just good old-fashioned free for all fun events. There are rules of course...which you will review before each activity begin. Aside from that...let them go! Let them be kids!
- You do not need to plan 10 different games to be played in a one-hour...or two-hour time slot. This will stress you out AND the whole idea of structured chaos is thrown right out of the door.
Plan an event but let the kids lead the way.
Many times, we plan an event and we have every single second accounted for...STOP! Let the kids lead the way.
Plan...Yes! Prepare...Yes! Stress...No!
This Summer...let the kids lead you.
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