Down on The Farm
Summer Event
Looking for some Summer Fun?
Each year, I select a fun theme for our Mid-Week Adventures (Wednesday night Summer program). All activities; including VBS, are based upon that theme.
Wednesday nights are our fellowship and outreach nights.
Each week, I plan something fun...and often messy...for our children and their invited friends.
Some years, I do a short devotion before we begin...and some years I do something that I call "Guess who it is?" where I will tell the children a little bit about a person from the Bible, give them a few clues, and then make them wait until Sunday morning to tell me who the mystery person was. This brings the kids back on Sunday morning...including their friends.
On Sunday morning, I take their answers, pass out small prizes (normally theme-based) and then give them the "Rest of the Story" Paul Harvey would say. If you don't know who Paul Harvey is...then you are obviously much younger than I am. :)
Many of my events are "must do's" each year...according to MY KIDDOS. So, I simply give the activity a new name and they are totally happy!
I have an extra car that I use to haul stuff back and forth.
During Mid-Week Adventures, the kids have affectionately dubbed it "The Party Wagon."
I have most of my summer supplies in the car (PT Cruiser) and I simply drive it only the playfield, pull out what I need...and we are ready to go! Easy Peasy!

Swimming Day
Field Trip to the water park, city pool, member's home or any place that has a nice cool swimming hole. Plan your event today!
Welcome to "Down on the Farm"
13 Weeks of good ole' country fun!
Use the events that I have created, pick just the events that fit your taste, budget, families and church, or create your own using the flyers provided below.
It's your event...plan it any way that you choose!
Many of these events, I host annually...I just give them a new name and we are good to go.
Some events are "must do's" with my kiddos each year so we just give them a new name and they love it.
The links that are attached to some of the events are not "Down on the Farm" specific. Simply use the events linked to plan your event and the flyers below to host your event.